Intro to Kleenoil

En Español

The Silent Thief - Caterpillar Video


Triad Industrial Consulting, LLC is committed to saving our customers from repairs and maintenance, premature termination of equipment and downtime by initiating condition maintenance techniques above and beyond preventative maintenance techniques.

Triad combines prior knowledge with ongoing experience gained with customers and professionals and then shared with new and current customers. Continuously researching maintenance techniques and products that can certifiably show savings.

Services Overview

In 2012, Triad began a servicing branch to assist our customers. Customers who are experts at what they do and […]


Triad Consulting

Kleenoil On-Board oil recycling systems remove contamination for the main benefit of extending the life of the equipment but a […]


Triad Sales

Triad is not a warehouse of parts and merchandise. Our goal is to search, evaluate and sell a limited number […]


About Us

Triad is dedicated to providing the heavy machinery market with proactive maintenance techniques and products that will immediately demonstrate value. The long term goal is to ensure that our customers retain their expensive assets for extended time. Secondary goal is to reduce maintenance costs, downtime and frustration. Having begun in August of 2005, Triad retained the territory of Arizona, New Mexico and Hawaii. More...


What other said about us

Latest News

Technology On Board

August 2, 2014

GPS Technology On The Rise In Construction People are getting used to that soft, female robotic voice in their cars […]


Machine Productivity

August 2, 2014

Small Change Yields Big Results Sometimes small changes can make a big difference in the productivity of your machines. For […]

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